I'm sure most of you recognize these three letters put together like this-"S.O.S." For many years "S.O.S" had been used as an international distress signal. I had heard and thought of several possible meanings for the letters "S.O.S.", so I did a little research. As it turns out, they don't mean anything. Those letters were chosen because of their Morse Code entries. Both letters were a series of three. Also, it seems that with the advent of GPS tracking and wireless communication, "S.O.S." was officially replaced as the international distress signal in February 1999.


However, I want to submit to you that these three letters do have a meaning, and it is a distress signal. As Christians, we have something special. While our lives are not perfect, we have a hope and a peace that those without Christ long to have. All around us are friends, neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances who are dying. They are dying spiritually because of the sin in their lives. They are dying because they are held firmly in Satan's grasp. They don't know the peace that serving Jesus brings. They don't know the hope being a Christian gives that lets us see past the troubles of today and focus on the glories of Heaven to come.


All around us are people who are in distress. They are dying and need our help. For the next year, I want to encourage you to practice an "S.O.S." - Save One Soul. Jesus said in Matt. 9:37, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few." The harvest is truly plentiful for us today. There are many people right here in our community who need Jesus.


We are commanded by Jesus to "Go and make disciples." (Matt. 28:19). That means me. That means you. We are to be making disciples. We are commanded by Jesus to go out and teach others about Him. Have you ever done that? If not, then you are being disobedient to God's will. I promise you, if you've never felt the joy of bringing someone to Christ, you are missing out on one of the greatest joys one can experience.


Make it your goal in the next year to Save One Soul. Think of all the people you know who need Christ. Write their names down. Think about and write down ways you can approach them with the gospel. Pray for them. Pray daily that God will open their hearts to His Word. Pray daily that God will be with you as you teach them. He has promised He will be (Matt. 28:20). If we all just save one soul this year, think of what that will do for the Lord's church. An S.O.S. has been issued. Will you answer the call?           Eric