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Be Careful What We Say

Be Careful What We Say

Gossip- Casual or unconstrained conversation about other people.

A person who repeats stories about other people, especially without their permission or knowledge.

Talk or rumors involving the personal lives of other people.

Sometimes we envision things in a particular way because of what we see outwardly. For example, one might look at me and decide I am stupid or lazy because I am big and goofy looking. I am not saying that’s a wrong conclusion or a right one, but adults know things are not always as they appear.

When we envision a sinner, we might think of someone who has sinister features. We imagine drugs and alcohol being involved, like if we go into a sinner’s home there will be beer in the refrigerator and whiskey on the coffee table.

We imagine such a person swears and curses. If they know the bible at all they only know enough to mock it. Such a one dresses immodestly, acts inappropriately, and follows a destructive pattern. They probably drive too fast, or lie constantly, or give in to selfish pleasures. Even when they do what’s “right” its either by accident or corrupted in some way, perhaps it just works out as part of some selfish purpose.

Now I know a sinner intimately. I see him almost every single day. Often he shows up in my bathroom mirror. You see, we kid ourselves when we think that we have no sin. Oh we might not be malicious like the imagined sinner above, but we are just as selfish on occasion. We can also do immodest things, act inappropriately, and follow a destructive pattern out of ignorance. Example: we might think we are doing “right” and go about it in such a way that it becomes sinful while we unknowingly do it in a corrupt way.

I mention gossip today because it is one of those things the bible has a LOT to say about – and we as sinful people can become ensnared it it even while telling the truth and thinking we are “helping.” It’s something to think about!

Randy Crihfield

Scripture’s on Gossip- 2 Cor 12:20; Eph 4:29; Ex 23:1; James 1:26; Lev 19:16;

Prov 10:19; Prov 11:13; Prov 17:9; Prov 20:19, Prov 26:20

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