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What Children Get Out Of Church

What Children Get Out Of Church

   This was posted on Facebook by Jenny’s mom and is worthy to be posted here as a bulletin, it is encouraging thoughts from a brother named Whit Sasser directed to parents of young children.

Some parents may wonder, after a particularly difficult time with kids at church service, “Is it all worth it? I don’t get anything out of it and I disturb others!” Well, Eunice probably took Timothy to regular synagogue services for he is said to have known the Scriptures fom a child (2 Tim 1:5; 3:14-15) and in thise days it was not likely they had scrolls of the text at home. Our children can learn from an early age in church too.

They learn faith is important….faithful attendance….faith in God. Kids are never too small to begin learning the importance of faith. They don’t have to understand sermons, or even be awake, they just need to be brought faithfully.

They learn that fellowship is valuable…that we are to be partners, participating in spiritual work with others. Christianity was never meant to be a solo endeavor. Kids must learn that spiritual work TOGETHER is important. They need to know that fellowship with God’s people matters.

They learn how to respect authority…for we assemble in obedience to God’s will and to submit to the other members, especially the leaders of the church who are guiding the flock. Children see that authority isn’t just for kids, but Mom & Dad too….that obedience is for EVERYBODY!

They learn what a family of saints is based on, namely love for each other. Kids are great mimics and imitators. A lot of what they will grow up to do is what they grew up seeing in others. They need to observe brotherly love in action.

In conclusion, at the assembly’s end, when your nerves are at the end because the preacher went longer than your kids & you wonder “is this all worth it?”……YES, IT IS! Let it be the biggest part of your life so someday it will be the biggest part of your child’s.

~Whit Sasser

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