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How To Teach Your Children To Be Brave

How To Teach Your Children To Be Brave

Give them love. Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). When small children are sure of the love of their parents and siblings then they are confident that they can meet the trials of daily life. They know that Mom and Dad, Big Brother and Sis are backing them up. That experience learned young in life translates into a powerful faith as an adult. When we are loved by God and love Him, then we lose our fears because we know there is nothing that will cause him to forsake us.

Give them heroes. Especially in this day and age, youth need real examples of men of courage. Teach your children about the great heroes of the faith in the Bible (Romans 15:4). But, also, point them to men who today walk bravely through life serving God (Philippians 3:17). There are many fine saints who have a story to share with a young person.

Be courageous. However, the best heroes they could want are two courageous parents. You need to set the example. We all know that the example of others helps us (II Timothy 1:7-9). Therefore, children need to see their parents making the sometimes difficult decisions to do the right thing. Help them understand the costs and sacrifices that are involved in wearing the name of Christ (I Peter 3:14-18).

Share your experience. Paul was not reluctant to let brethren know how he was suffering (Colossians 4:18; 1 Corinthians 15:32). As a matter of fact, the knowledge of what was happening to him helped others endure as well (Hebrews 10:32-39; Philippians 1:13-14). You can build confidence toward God in young people by letting them know how you and others that have influenced you, have stood fast when trials have come.

Give encouragement. When your child is going through the tough times do not stand idly by on the sidelines (Isaiah 41:6). Encourage him, counsel him and, if need be, help him. Let him know you are there if he needs you. Pray for him and enlist the prayers of others for him. Even Moses had Aaron and Hur to hold up his hands (Exodus 17:10-12).


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