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Basketball and a Christian Part 2

Basketball and a Christian Part 2

     Like the seed that sprouted with joy (Luke 8:13), if we are not careful it is possible to not fully understand the commitment we have made and be turned away the first time we are rejected or attacked for what we believe. It is possible to be tempted by something stronger than our belief in CHRIST. We are promised “a Crown of Life” if we are faithful until death. (Rev 2:10b). (just like the kid that gets knocked to the pavement a few times and decides basketball is not for him).

Along with the first two seeds the third seed, the third seed that fell among the thorns and gets chocked out by the thorns and produces no fruit (Luke 8:14). This is the kid to me that starts out hard and takes it all seriously and practices as often as he can because he wants a basketball scholarship. Then he becomes distracted by other things, which eventually crowd out his goal of a basketball scholarship that originally motivated him. He once began playing basketball and once committed to perpetual practice. And then something changed. This is also the Christian that becomes completely committed and works hard for a while, maybe even decades. Then suddenly he misses one Sunday service. Soon he misses several services in a row. Then he is gone for months. And finally, he tells us that he is not coming back for this reason or that reason, or, like most times never even says anything and just disappears and never returns to the service of our LORD. His commitment to CHRIST did not produce the endurance needed to face the trials spoken of in James 1:2-4.

And now we come to the fourth kid. This is the kid that practices and practices, become captain of the basketball team in high school. He makes time for other things, but they are all seen through the eyes of his commitment to basketball. He goes on to college, gets good grades, but when not in class or playing basketball for the college, he’s out there practicing. 2:00 in the morning when everyone else is asleep, he is practicing. He gets noticed by the by recruiters of professional teams and goes on to become one of the professional basketball players. Now his practicing takes on an entire different meaning. His future in a profession depends on his ability. He is rewarded handsomely for his efforts yes, but he never stops practicing. He has a heart for the game, to play by the professional rules and become an example to every kid that loves the sport. Just like the fourth seed, Christians who take their commitment seriously can’t help but produce fruit for CHRIST, their Savior (Luke 8:15). Understanding that they are part of something much bigger than them alone (1 Cor, 12:14,20). Part of something that draws others to CHRIST (Matt 28:19-20). They produce fruit in themselves, they produce fruit in the hearts of other Christians, and they offer hope to those that find this world difficult to live in because they have no hope  (Acts 17:26-27).

Christians are not like basketball players in that there is no retirement (Rev 2:10b). Unlike basketball players we can be helpful and bring people to CHRIST no matter where we are or wherever we go. Though like any professional team in sports we all have a job to do (1 Cor 12:14-13:13). Let us renew ourselves daily, individually and collectively. Let us love one another as CHRIST loved the church. And let us remember we will one day be returned to the FATHER when this life is over.  .~James Waldrep


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