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“People of God”

People of God”

There are two classes of people in the world: those acceptable to God, and those not
acceptable. Peter says of the acceptable, ‘Ye are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people..” (RV “a people for God’s own
possession”) (1 Pet.2:9) These “people of God” are those “called out of darkness into
his marvelous light.” (vs. 10)

The “call” is that of the gospel of Christ (2 Thes. 2:14) by which all people are taught.
(Jn.6:45) In one sense, this “call” is the dividing line between those acceptable to God,
and those not acceptable; in that those who believe and obey God’s call are
acceptable, while all others are “in darkness” “without mercy”. ( Note with care
Co1.1:1214 Acts 26:16,18 Acts 2:3742)

In the first century these “called out” peoplethese “acceptable” with God were called
the CHURCH, i.e., the greek word by which they were then designated, is now
translated as “church”. (Note Acts 11:2026. In Antioch those who heard the preaching
of Christ, and believed, turned to the Lord; these made up the CHURCH.) (Cf. Acts
20:28 Phil. l:l; 4:15) Thus, the N.T. teaches that the CHURCH(i.e., those who make up
the church) are the people acceptable unto God; while all others (those outside the
church) are not acceptable.

Yes, the church is important! Yes, church membership is essential! Those who are not
a part of the Lord’s church are not a part of the people or God! THESE SEEMINGLY
OR “PEOPLE OF GOD.” I have not said you must “join my party” to be saved. I have
not said that only members of a denomination called “Church of Christ” would be
saved. But I must make it equally clear that no one is a member of the Lord’s church
that will be saved who has not “obeyed from the heart” the unadulterated call of the
gospel. (Study Rom.6:1618, 37 Acts 2:3747)

Methodist sprinkling, Baptist voting, and “Church of Christ” communion are not
gateways to heaven. We must learn to distinguish between being acceptable to a
party of people, no matter what name they wear, and in being acceptable to God.
The “people of God” are likened unto a temple, in which God dwells. The foundation is
Jesus Christ, and the walls are of lively stones faithful Christians. (1 Cor. 3:ll, 1617 1
Pet 2:48) They are likened unto a kingdom of citizens, with Christ as King; (Col.l:l3) or
a body of members, with Christ as Head. (Eph.1:2223 1 Cor. 12:12f.) The church
belongs to Christ and congregations of Christians are called “churches of Christ”
(Matt.l6: 18 Rom. 16:16) God’s people are even likened unto the bride of Christ (Eph.
5:23f.) so it is easy to see why these people should wear His name.

But the people of God wear the name of Christ because they are His people they
are not His people because they wear His name. (Maybe this should be reread
Robert F Turner

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