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Our Father in Heaven

Our Father in Heaven

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1.1)
“In the beginning.” What a way to begin the Bible! It is not a detailed treatise that
defines and explains this magnificent geological process. It is not even a definitive
apology for why a man should believe. It is a simple, powerful statement: God created
everything we see.

Growing up in New Mexico, I witnessed God’s creation. I have seen the sunrise in the
desert morning with its hues of deep golds, reds, yellows, blues, and purples
overhead. I watched thunderstorms roll across the desert. I felt the snow amid one of
the highest plateaus of the Grand Canyon in the middle of summer! I observed the
Painted Dessert with its reds, oranges, and gold splattered on the ground and
mountains. I surveyed that ancient Petrified Forest of iron, red, orange, and yellow
rocks in the shape of dead and decayed tree trunks. Then there was the Continental
Divide, with its waters rushing down from the Rockies and flowing in two different
directions, one emptying into the Pacific Ocean and the other into the Gulf of Mexico.
They all give a glimpse of God. His creation reveals the beauty of His nature.
What a mindblowing concept to think about when discussing God’s nature. Although
the Bible does not formally define the word God, His being and attributes are
displayed on every page. How do we try to comprehend God? How does a finite man
understand an infinite Creator?

We have been given a measure of intelligence to think and make rational decisions.
Still, it is like a mortal man having a complete understanding of immortalityit is an
impossible task! Perhaps, that is why the author of the Pentateuch begins so simply,
“In the beginning.”

In Psalm 8, David asks the question in the hearts of every introspective man, “What is
man that you are mindful of him?” How can a great God, who has shown His power
and majesty through the creation, be so interested in mansinful, selfseeking,
prideful, arrogant, and inglorious in his actions and heart?

As Kenneth Boa eloquently explains, “The God who created these stars and calls
them by name is unimaginably awesome. His wisdom, beauty, power, and dominion
are beyond human comprehension. And yet He has deigned to seek intimacy with the
people of this puny planet and has given them great dignity and destiny.
Paul reminds us that our God has no bounds. His work exceeds our imagination. He is
an awesome God! That is why we give praise, honor, and glory to Him.

“Now to him who can do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think,
according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in
Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Eph. 3.2021)
Kevin Goddu

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