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Always Do

Always Do

“For I always do the things that are pleasing to Him” (John 8:29 From the context of this statement, we learn that both what Jesus did and taught were in harmony with the Father’s will. Jesus had earlier stated that He came down from heaven, not to do His own will, but the will of Him that sent Him (John 6:38). Here is a lesson for each of us. God’s will is revealed to us in the Bible. As we learn that will, it then becomes a matter of choice for us: we will either choose to live according to those things that please the Lord, or we will choose to do those things that please someone other than the Lord. Some strive to please other people. Others strive to please self. However, if we want to please the Lord, there is only one right choice: strive to please Him! Remember what Paul wrote about this: “. . . if I vet pleased men, 1 should not he the servant of Christ”(Galatians 1:10). What is it that true servants of the Christ do? They try to please Him.

“For I always do the things that are pleasing to Him” – Jesus not only knew what pleased the Father, and He not only talked about what pleased the Father. He actually did what pleased the Father! Many people know what the Lord desires. A whole lot of folks talk about what the Father desires. Knowledge and proper teaching are important, but they are of no value to our own relationship with the Lord unless we actually do what pleases Him. If the Savior counted it as essential in His earthly life to do what pleased the Father, then should not you and I count it as a serious, required course of action for us as well? Somehow Satan has convinced masses of religious people that striving to “do” the Lord’s will is an evil concept. To many, “doing” the Lord’s will (that is, keeping His commands) is legalism or evidence that one is trying to earn his/her salvation. The Bible teaches no such thing! The one that truly knows God is the one that keeps His word. The Bible says so (I John 2:3-5). The one that is allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven is the one that does the Father’s will. Jesus said so (Matthew 7:21). Thus, making a serious effort to do what pleases the Father is not a wicked thing at all. In fact, it puts one in pretty good company, for that is what the Christ did when He lived on the earth.

“For 1 always do the things that are pleasing to Him ” -Jesus ‘ commitment to doing the Father’s will was continuous. It was a daily, ongoing, never-stopping course of action for Him. Brothers and sisters, if we want to be pleasing in God’s sight, then we, too, must make a continuous effort – “always” – to do that which pleases Him. Surely none of us wants to be a part-time doer of the Lord’s will. No, we want to know His will, and then we want to do His will. When? “Always.” Where? Wherever we are.


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