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Learning And Growing

Learning And Growing

Sunday night’s lesson really made me think. Eric used Philippians 4:11-13, Paul’s lesson about learning to be content in any state. He pointed out many things especially the need for learning. He also pointed to the things we should be doing for labor and work in the kingdom, for all of these things lend to our learning and growth.

Our spiritual walk in this world is dependent on our ability to mold our lives to God’s word. This is the essence of what it is to become like Jesus for this is what Jesus purpose on earth was, to mold his life to the fathers will. If we diligently study the word of God daily and try to apply what we learn to our lives we should end up hearing that lovely phrase, “well done good and faithful servant“.

I’m sure everybody will agree that our sojourn in this world is not a smooth trek. There are lots of ups and downs there’s lots of good days and bad days. Our life is filled with the good decisions we make as well as the bad and the sins that we produce shadow the path that we have taken. This is where the application of what we learned studying God’s word becomes crucial to our growth and transformation.

Now, just as God would have it on Monday I was studying from the Sermon on the Mount. There’s a section where Jesus talks about making things right with your brother before you go to the altar. The commentary that pertained to this led me to James 4:17 which says “him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is a sin.”

These two lessons from God’s word have pricked my heart. It was quite some time ago that Randy left and Eric took over writing the bulletin, shortly after this I asked Eric what I could do to help and he suggested writing something for the bulletin. I said I would and never did, this is my sin! I cannot go back and fill in the missed opportunities but I can move forward and strive to do what’s right.

There are many points to ponder from this. First are the “ears that hear” whether it is from listening to a lesson or reading God’s word, Listen! Second is the meditation upon what you hear or read for this is how you begin to apply it to yourself, Think! Third is the ability not only to recognize sin but to accept it as your own, Apply! Fourth is the desire to seek out the cure and use it even if it makes you uncomfortable, Action!

God has interacted with this world by telling us what is right and what is wrong. And even though he points out our sins he has also has made the cure for what ails us. (John 3:16)    Bruce B.

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