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Letters That Teach


Letters That Teach

About the year A.D. 51 between Paul’s second and third journeys, he wrote letters to the Christians in the places that he traveled through. He cared about their faith and had a desire to be with them, he also prayed for them. (1 Thess 3:11-13)

Paul wanted them to be strengthened and to fill what was lacking in their faith. He wrote to them exhorting them in ways of love, he taught them about the resurrection and the need to be ready for the second coming of our Lord. He instructed them to live peaceful lives, to pray without ceasing and to read his letters to all brethren. ( 1 Thess 5:16-28)

Reading these letters to the early Christians we come to understand they were preparing themselves in the ways of the apostles and were readying themselves for the Lord’s return. But, we also see there was deception at hand, there was an apostasy or rebellion. Satan does use his power to deceive and many rejected the truth and turned to corrupted ways. (2 Thess 2:1-6)

Now having learned what was going on in the first century and applying that to what we see in the world today with the splintering of Christianity into numerous groups and denominations, one cannot help but feel the rebellion and apostasy continues. The simple truth of the gospel has been distorted and watered down, new teachings have been decreed and even whole new religions created. Now in this age of digital technology the reach of these things and all other religious faiths and philosophies span the globe regardless of language in nano seconds. Satan must be pleased to have God’s simple gospel covered with a blanket of counter information.

The key to finding our way in this world was provided back in the first century as well. The diligent study of scriptures will lead us to the truth and it will help us to see the distortions and deceptions so prevalent in the world today, Paul wrote to the Thessalonians; “Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold to the traditions which you were taught whether by word or our epistle.” ( 2 Thess 2:13-17)

The conclusion of this matter is this; there is no greater advice today than that of the first Christians. The diligent seeking out of the traditions and teachings of the first believers will give us a guide to sift through the distortions of today. Let us all pray together that the word of the Lord runs swiftly into our hearts and help us glorify God His way. (2 Thess 3:1-5)

Bruce Brockelman

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